Author: Pietro
A possible malfunction of the flow measuring station in Perl
I have noticed that the chart and text related to the flow in m3/s of current on the Moselle River in Perl shows consistently a peak / spike in the last measurement. That spike smooths then at the following refresh. Also, by hovering the mouse over the previous values as well as on the immediate…
Interesting water level patterns in the luxembourgish Moselle
Probably caused by changes in settings of the waterlock (écluse, Schleuse)
My rowing experience
I started rowing in 2015 in Frankfurt, at the FRGS rowing club. When I moved to Luxembourg in 2021, I became member of the LIRC. Associations and qualifications Member of FRGS (Frankfurter Rudergesellschaft Sachsenhausen v. 1879 e.V.) since 2015 Member of LIRC (Luxembourg International Rowing Club) since 2021 Member of Club Aviron Balaruc since 2024…
Suggested criteria for safe rowing
Leisure rowing is not an extreme sport and can be reasonably safe, but in general water sports require constant awareness of the conditions and risks. To my knowledge through a few years of practicing this sport, discussing with friends and fellow rowers and consuming some literature, the main risk factors are (listed from the most…
Prediction of water level in Perl based on levels in Custines
This is an initial analysis of the evolution of the water level in Custines, F (km 343,6) and in Perl, D (km 242,0) to determine if there is a pattern that can be used to predict the level of water in Perl based on the level in Custines (about 100 km downstream). The current analysis…
Tesla Model 3 – range
Activity Wh/km Range 80%-> 20% Range 100-> 10% Drive country side 160 Wh/km 281 km 422 km Drive motorway 120-130 km/h 200 Wh/km 225 km 337 km Drive motorway 140-160 km/h (Germany) 300 Wh/km 150 km 225 km Based on real life experience with my driving style. Data change significantly depending on location and weather conditions. Charging…
Tesla Model 3 – electricity costs
Based on electricity costs in Luxembourg in November 2023 Activity Unit Wh Home, marginal (1) Home, blended (2) Tesla super 3rd party Unit costs 0,16 €/kWh 0,28 €/kWh 0,47 €/kWh 0,65 €/kWh Drive country side 90km/h 1km 160 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,10 Drive highway 120-130 km/h 1km 200 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,13 Drive highway 140-160…
Water levels and current in Schwebsange – observations
Every time we have an increase of water level, we ask ourselves “will we get flooded ? at what level should we move our items in a safer place” ?Of course we know that 2,3m in Perl is a very safe level and we also know that 8m in Perl is a disaster. But what…
Links and resources for Luxembourgish Moselle rowers
This is a collection of links that can prove useful to rowers, and more in general to people performing outdoor sports in the Luxembourgish Moselle area. The list includes weather resources for wind, rain, temperature and lightning current conditions and predictions as well as resources about river level and flow. If you find a broken…