My rowing experience

I started rowing in 2015 in Frankfurt, at the FRGS rowing club.

When I moved to Luxembourg in 2021, I became member of the LIRC.

Associations and qualifications

Member of FRGS (Frankfurter Rudergesellschaft Sachsenhausen v. 1879 e.V.) since 2015

Member of LIRC (Luxembourg International Rowing Club) since 2021

Member of Club Aviron Balaruc since 2024

Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Sociétés d´Aviron (FLSA) License n. LL000112

Fédération Fraçaise Aviron (FFA) License n. 606076

Appointed LIRC Captain and Winter Captain

Served as member of the management board (Conseil d´Administration) of LIRC in years 2022 and 2023

Km per year

Yearkm of rowing
Total 7.736

Waters where I rowed

with date of first time

  1. River Main Höchst to Hanau, Germany, 5.2015 1x, C2x, C2x+, C3x, C3x+, C4x, C4x+, C5x, C4+, C8+, C8x+
  2. River Neckar, Germany, 6.2015 C4x+
  3. River Lahn, Germany, 9.2015 C4x+
  4. Ruppiner See, Neuruppin,  Germany, 5.2016 C4x+
  5. River Elbe in Dresden region, Germany, 10.2016 C4x+
  6. River Moselle, Rachtig- Treis-Karden, Germany, 6.2017 C4x+
  7. River Yonne, France, 7.2017 C2x
  8. River Fulda, Germany, 9.2017 C2x
  9. Lake Washington  – Seattle, USA, 3.2018 8+
  10. River Havel, Brandenburg, Germany, 5.2018 C4x+
  11. Lake Sammamish, USA, 6.2018 1x, 2x, 6.2019
  12. River Amstel, Amsterdam Netherland, 6.2018 C4x+
  13. River and lake Alster – Hamburg, Germany, 6.2018 C4x+
  14. Baltic Sea in Sønderborg, Denmark, 8.2018 C4+
  15. River Gudenå, Denmark, 8.2018 C4+
  16. Kiel Fjord, Baltic Sea, Germany, 8.2018 C8x+
  17. Ems-Dortmund canal (6.2019) C4x+
  18. River Ems (6.2019) C4x+
  19. River Havel – Potsdam (8.2019) C4x+
  20. River Seine – Paris (9.2019) C4x+ (Traversée de Paris)
  21. Atlantic Ocean/ English Channel, Saint-Malo (7. And 8.2020) 2x, 1x (one week coastal rowing training)
  22. River Moselle Schengen – Trier, 4.2021 – C1x, C2x, 2x, C3x, C4x, 4x, C4x+, C5x
  23. River Main, Seligenstadt, 8.2021, C4x+
  24. River Meuse, Sedan and Charleville, 8.2021, C4x+
  25. River Guadalquivir, Sevilla, 11.2021, 1x skiff Empacher
  26. Etang de Thau and Mediterranean sea, 16.4.2022, 2x coastal
  27. Canal de Jouy and Moselle in Metz, 7.5.2022, C4x+ and in 5.2023 57km in C4x+
  28. Lac Leman, Sciez, 28.5.2022, 2x coastal (and 5.2023 in C4x+)
  29. River Po, Torino, 13.6.2022, C2x 
  30. Lake Union – Seattle, 7.2022, 2x 
  31. Mediterranean sea – Nice, France, 3.12.2022, 4x+ coastal racing
  32. River Moselle, Thionville, France, 18.2.2023, C4x+
  33. Venice laguna, Italy, 28-29.5.23, C4x+ (Vogalonga)
  34. River Douro, from Pacinho to Porto, 2-7.10.23 Coastal C4x-
  35. Lake Constance (Bodensee), Bregenz, Austria, 29.7.2024, Coastal C4x+
  36. Lake Annecy, France, 13.10.24, C4x+

Endurance Rowing

5.2023 Canal de Jouy and Moselle in Metz, C4x+, 57km in one day

2-7.10.23 River Douro, from Pacinho to Porto, Coastal C4x- – 180km in 6 days


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